I Use To Work Just 3 Days Per Week Running My 3 Companies And Generate 7 Figures Each Year

003 Roland Frasier: Faster Growth With “No Money Down” Acquisitions

About Roland Frasier:

Roland is co-founder and/or principal of three current Inc. Magazine fastest-growing companies, and he has founded, scaled or sold 24 different 7 to 9 figure businesses ranging from consumer products to industrial machine manufacturing companies with adjusted sales ranging from $3 million to $337 million. Roland practiced business, tax and securities law for over 12 years and is now an active investor who drives growth and scale in his portfolio companies.  Roland is currently growing, and while advising over 150 other companies on digitally centric customer acquisition, activation, referral, retention and revenue strategies and plan implementation.

Key Takeaways:

Roland started out in real estate and buying properties with nothing down with seller financing (such as a land contract).  He then wondered whether the same strategies could work with buying companies where you could acquire the company with seller financing terms and use the company’s revenue to pay for itself.

Always Look For The Leverage Points:

Roland always looks for the leverage points in reaching the desired outcome even faster.  Examples: Instead of going after real estate clients one by one, he partnered with developers who had multiple listings.

Some of Roland’s Favorite Business Hacks:

  • If you want to do business with someone, find a paid way to get their attention (as a customer, like by joining their group).  They will then pay attention to you since you are their client.
  • Then, figure out how to stand out to them, like Roland did with winning the Wicked Smaht (Smart) contests in War Room and impressing Ryan Deiss and Perry Belcher so they brought him in as a partner.

Growing By Acquiring Other Companies:

Roland said he can’t think of a faster way to grow than acquiring another company.  Here are the 7 types of companies you can grow by acquiring them:

  1. Your competition

  2. Media (such as a company with eyeballs of your ideal customer, such as a single YouTube channel or other account where they have the audience you want).

  3. Talent or team (like if they had a sales rep network and you need one to grow).

  4. Products

  5. Services

  6. Vertical integration (anyone who is supplying you with goods or services in your supply chain)

  7. Intellectual property – patents, trademarks, copyrights, courses, other IP assets you could benefit from in growing

Even if you don’t want to grow by acquiring another company, you can still form strategic partnerships with companies in each of the above categories to reach your goals faster.

Some of Roland’s Favorite Time Hacks:

  • Don’t be on the org chart of any of your companies.  Otherwise, it is just a job.
  • Be willing to trust the people to do the job that you’ve hired them to do.
  • He doesn’t care about ever reaching inbox 0.  Roland goes to his email if there is a reason to do so.
  • For social media, he pretty much ignores everything except the comments and then replies to comments during his downtime (at the airport, etc.).

Some of Roland’s Favorite Travel Hacks:

  • If your flight has been canceled, call the 800 number instead of rushing up to the desk.  You can generally get through a lot faster than standing in line and will have more availability of flight choices than those standing in line.
  • If it looks like there is going to be a weather or other problem that will cause a disruption, why wait until there is stress or drama to do something about it.  Instead, Roland recommends that you make proactive travel changes – like change your plans to stay in that city and get a nice hotel. Make it an adventure and avoid the drama and hassle.

“All of the actual jobs that are on the organizational chart belong to people other than me. That’s something that’s been very important in allowing me to have the time to do the things that I do. That’s probably the #1 hack of all hacks for that.” —  Roland Frasier

Connect with Roland Frasier:

Facebook: Roland Frasier



Show: Business Lunch with Roland Frasier

LinkedIn: Roland Frasier

Book Reference: Nothing Down Real Estate by Robert Allen

Connect with The Vacation Effect and Denise Gosnell:


Show: The Vacation Effect Podcast

Book: The Vacation Effect Book


Facebook: The Vacation Effect and Denise Gosnell

LinkedIn: The Vacation Effect, Inc. and Denise Gosnell

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I Use To Work Just 3 Days Per Week Running My 3 Companies And Generate 7 Figures Each Year